Welcome to Zen Cart™ ...

The Zen Cart™ software is made available to you for use, additions, changes, modifications, etc. without charge, under the GNU General Public License.

While we do not charge for this software, donations are greatly appreciated each time you download a new version, to help cover the expenses of maintenance, upgrades, updates, the free support forum and the continued development of this software for your online e-commerce store.

Donations can be made at: The Zen Cart™ Team Page

We appreciate your support.
The Zen Cart™ Team

Zen Cart™ is derived from: Copyright 2003 osCommerce
This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY;
without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE
and is redistributable under the GNU General Public License

This software is OSI Certified Open Source Software.
OSI Certified is a certification mark of the Open Source Initiative.

Upgrade Instructions from v1.3.0 to

If you are upgrading from Zen Cart v1.3.0, the process is simple:
- compare all the changed files with the files on your own site... and re-apply your customizations to the new files
- upload the new files (with your customizations added) to your site
- upload the zc_install folder to your server, and run zc_install/index.php
... select Database Upgrade from the System Inspection screen. Apply the required updates.

If you are upgrading from a version prior to v1.3.0, please follow the instructions in the "how to upgrade" documentation in the /docs folder

CHANGELOG - List of Changed Files

For a list of files that have been changed since v1.3.0, see the changelog-v1-3-0-1.html

Whats New ...

The following bugfixes are included in v1.3.0.1:

  • foreach error on open_basedir check in zc_install
  • FILENAME_PRODUCTS_ALL definition restored
  • changed 'true' to true in various product listing pages to fix minor logic problems
  • fixed the infrastructure which calls extra_main_template_vars folder contents
  • order_history sidebox errors fixed
  • fixed error in functions_email related to a call to non-existent utilGeneral:varNotNull()
  • "cannot delete a product" bug fixed
  • date-of-birth validations are now more reliable
  • removed double <form> tag from create-account template
  • removed debug code from address_book and shopping-cart pages
  • renamed some form-names and other objects to prevent duplicate-names on any page
  • documentation update to remind that PHP 4.3.2 is the minimum supported version
  • query-tidying to prevent more MySQL5 incompatibility errors related to STRICT_TRANS_TABLES
  • added EZ-Pages footer to classic template
  • moved "Site Map" configuration setting from "Product Info" into "Layout Settings"
  • added Site Map link control for information sidebox
  • fixed bug which caused the default language to become unassigned in Admin after editing langs
  • fixed bug in "copy product" in admin
  • fixed forum/nickname bug in create-account
  • fixed the Check-For-Updates button in admin header
  • installer does a smarter check for PHP version compatibility
  • fixed bug in determining order-status, regardless of price=0
  • fixed bug leaving remnants of code if category-tabs is disabled
  • added warning if end up with products in top-level category
  • suppress communication error crash if smtp server cannot be reached
  • added "Version" button to admin menu bar for easy reference to what Zen Cart version installed
  • clarify wording in some entries in Admin->Configuration->Email Options
  • added mod_security workaround in zc_install via .htaccess
  • fixed template for product-reviews where 2 product links appeared if not logged in
  • fixed bug in products-to-categories copier
  • fixed bugs in gv-send page where wrong info was displayed and logic was confused
  • fixed bug in ez-pages footer where alternate-URL info was ignored
  • fixed display bug in manufacturer-info sidebox
  • fixed shopping-cart "update" buttons ... to work properly and align properly
  • fixed typo in order class preventing IP address from being stored properly
  • fixed bug preventing proper display of product model number on templates
  • added missing "EZ-Pages Settings" option to the Admin->Configuration menu (only affected upgrades from v1.2.x)
  • fixed bug where coupon "division by zero" errors would appear if cart only contained free prods
  • fixed bug in SaleMaker preventing ability to copy a sale
  • fixed display bug for discount pricing where product min-qty matched first discount level
  • fixed filename spelling of paypal.php to paypal for admin consistency purposes
  • fixed function which generates ez-pages links in sideboxes
  • fixed rounding error on coupons
  • fixed missing javascript support for discount coupons in admin invoice/orders page
  • fixed paypal bug preventing IPN's if using language override for meta_tags.php
  • fixed paypal bug preventing refunds from being tracked properly
  • added missing option in Admin->Config->Layout Settings->Shopping Cart-Show Totals


  • Please be sure to review and apply the Site Security Recommendations to your site prior to taking your shop "live". If you are uncertain about how site security applies to you, talk to your web host to ensure that you have proper measures in place.


Zen Cart™ has had a major overhaul of the templating system for v1.3.x. As such, you have two options:
  • upgrade your existing template by applying the new stylesheet and moving a few lines of code around; or
  • the best way to have almost-tableless and much tidier template code, is to make a new template (based on template_default) and carefully re-apply your own customizations to the new template system.

For further information on template upgrading, see the forum discussion on this topic.