Welcome to Zen Cart™ ...

The Zen Cart™ software is made available to you for use, additions, changes, modifications, etc. without charge, under the GNU General Public License.

While we do not charge for this software, donations are greatly appreciated each time you download a new version, to help cover the expenses of maintenance, upgrades, updates, the free support forum and the continued development of this software for your online e-commerce store.

Donations can be made at: The Zen Cart™ Team Page

We appreciate your support.
The Zen Cart™ Team

Zen Cart™ is derived from: Copyright 2003 osCommerce
This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY;
without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE
and is redistributable under the GNU General Public License

This software is OSI Certified Open Source Software.
OSI Certified is a certification mark of the Open Source Initiative.

Upgrade Instructions from v1.3.0.1 to

If you are upgrading from Zen Cart v1.3.0.1, the process is simple:
- compare all the changed files with the files on your own site... and re-apply your customizations to the new files
- upload the new files (with your customizations added) to your site
- upload the zc_install folder to your server, and run zc_install/index.php
... select Database Upgrade from the System Inspection screen. Apply the required updates.

If you are upgrading from a version prior to v1.3.0.1, please follow the instructions in the "how to upgrade" documentation in the /docs folder

CHANGELOG - List of Changed Files

For a list of files that have been changed since v1.3.0.1, see the changelog-v1-3-0-2.html

Whats New ...

The following bugfixes are included in v1.3.0.2:

  • popup window for discount coupons wasn't working if shopping-cart sidebox was disabled, and was sharing the same window as product images, thus not resizing appropriately with coupon info in the window
  • fixed whos_online to not create multiple entrees for session_redirect ON
  • fixed bug with create-account module causing the dropdown for State to switch to Alabama vs keyed state name
  • fixed default sort order for All Products page
  • shopping cart page wasn't right when update buttons were in various disabled states
  • html_output.php with SSL links, was not calling the right subfolder for DIR_WS_HTTPS_CATALOG... bad on shared ssl hosting if paths are different
  • fixed Advanced Search Result error when Product Listing is set to only show products_name
  • fix to metatags description handling
  • fixed display bug in order-status-history...table was being repeated for each order-status entry
  • removed duplicate message-stack warnings on search-results page
  • removed occasional blank-line message-stack alerts on checkout pages
  • fixed errors in product-listing when "display product add to cart button" is set to 0
  • cleaned up missing line-breaks in some language files
  • freeoptions shipping module: Fixed maximum settings on total, weight and items. Also fixed missing Shipping Cost + Handling for other extended uses. Uninstall and reinstall for correct settings.
  • fixed the incorrect treatment of ' marks in coupon name/description in coupon-edit mode
  • fixed shopping-cart sidebox template so div tags aren't mismatched
  • fixed contact-us page to support status=2 switch in admin->config->define page status
  • fixed shipping estimator width bug when not logged in for display
  • fixes to coupon-restrictions and added ability to add all categories as deny/allow option
  • fixed bug in customer review-edit page causing textarea to not display proper width
  • some order-status update HTML-formatted emails were not rendering line-spacing properly
  • removed extraneous id="=" marks from some template files
  • fix for redeeming coupon on minimum order
  • fixed logic loop bug in ot_coupon module
  • uncommented $GV_AMOUNT parameter in gv_mail HTML email template
  • fixed typo in style name on password-forgotten page
  • fixed problem in searches where use of apostrophe would cause no results to show up
  • installer fixes to PHP version detection and open_basedir validation
  • Fix bug: GV Sent was including Discount Coupons on the display of the GVs
    Added filter for coupon_type = 'G'
  • fixed display of notices related to downloadable items not available
  • fixed bug related to non-english characters not displaying properly in admin
  • fixed bug related to session problems if blocking cookies and using search sideboxes
  • fixed bug in address-book where creating new primary address resulted in SQL error
  • fixed phpBB integration bug where changing email address in Zen Cart wasn't updating phpBB
  • added auto-increment fixer tool in zc_install folder to help with cases where host broke db
  • added option for administrator to send newsletter/emails to self for testing
  • fix bugs related to session problems and newer PHP configurations where "recreate session" was enabled
  • fix downloads display on checkout_success to appear after product notifications and order id
  • fix to prev/next navigation where category number wasn't set


  • Please be sure to review and apply the Site Security Recommendations to your site prior to taking your shop "live". If you are uncertain about how site security applies to you, talk to your web host to ensure that you have proper measures in place.


Zen Cart™ has had a major overhaul of the templating system for v1.3.x. As such, you have two options:
  • upgrade your existing template by applying the new stylesheet and moving a few lines of code around; or
  • the best way to have almost-tableless and much tidier template code, is to make a new template (based on template_default) and carefully re-apply your own customizations to the new template system.

For further information on template upgrading, see the forum discussion on this topic.